

"What the hell's goin' on out here?!"

-Vince Lombardi

And when presented with this opportunity to push back against misinformation, hate, and disdain towards the "other", what did I do?
Absolutely nothing.
I sat there with this stupid, focused look on my face and let all of this vitriolic spew get thrown into the world. I didn't raise one contest against anything and wasn't brave enough to tell the one person in the room that would've stood with me that I was uncomfortable. That I do not want to associate myself with these people. I sincerely want to integrate myself and learn the language and know more people in the community, but at what cost? I can sit here and say "it was just this one time" and "I won't run into this again, I'll avoid these situations" but that's not true. It's been 28 years since independence and I am learning the language of those who benefitted from the former, and informally current, status quo. Shall I stand as an ally for those who do not stand with me in the moment... or just remain focused and silently nod along?
