

The United States claimed independence in 1776. The 15th Amendment was passed in 1869. The 19th Amendment was passed in 1917.

It was interesting, flying away from it all,
but new travels, making the world small.
I'm torn between ignorance as bliss,
tuning it out, not a tweet or a hiss
of blue or red, of left or right,
in this wonderous reality I would get sleep at night!
This thought is but a dream,
one I realistically would never pursue,
for turning a cold shoulder
would be an insult to you.
You the farmer, you the beggar, you the billionaire.
Abstaining from my inalienable right is not fair
to those who have had it stripped, or live oppressed,
a say in our direction makes us more fortunate than the rest.
A vote is but a drop, but mighty rivers run
when drops join together and choose as one
leaders of the ship upon which stars and stripes fly.
I shall not let our course go awry
as long as the rudder is within my grasp,
I will pull with all my might, until my last gasp.
Our wake is too large for us to ignore
the tsunami effect we have on those ashore.
Although we may not always get it correct,
the moment we fail to stop and inspect
the ones at the wheel of our might craft
is the moment we fate all to a life raft.
So read on the issues, pause, and educate yourself
or put that ballot slip up on a high shelf.
A vote cast in ignorance is not a vote cast in bliss

for because of it, the future we need may be the future we miss.
