Role Modelz


Just a couple kids from the Midwest

It's been awesome finding an independent, motivated guy here who has big dreams and won't accept the notion of anything less. He motivates me being here at the same place as I, but having tackled so much more in the process. I can be all happy I graduated from a great university that enabled me to gain invaluable work experiences, make unique personal connections, and improve myself as a human. All of this culminating in an enticing Peace Corps application that withstood inspection.

Fuckin' sick.

What challenges and barriers did I overcome to accomplish this though?


I've never had to struggle for money. I've never filled out a significant number of applications between jobs. I've never had someone negatively judge me based on my gender, sexual orientation, or race. I've never been denied an opportunity I've been perfectly qualified for. I've never felt legitimate adversity.

What I have managed to do in these 23 years of life is maintain unhealthy drinking habits, fail to take full advantage of academic opportunities, break promises to those I care about, and trip on my own shoelaces time after time. It is easy to point our your own flaws, but hard to develop a plan for change and growth. That's why we need role models, to show us what is possible when faced with the improbable. (He) faced the impossible.

I chose this adventure for the amazing people I would meet and the personal growth I would find. I've got the former, time to work on the latter.
