The Sun is Also a Star


Thoughts from 35,000 feet up.

"All poetry is about love, sex, and stars."
Between you and mean, those topics wouldn't get you too far.

What about fear of what you don't know?
Some people fall in love with it,
constantly seeking a new city and fit.
I think to see the seeds you sow
demonstrates care, for letting that show
can help someone more than you know.

What about the look of understanding?
Pouring sweat & tears trying to convey
an idea, concept, word you want to say.
Time after time, nothing is sinking,
until a dim light bulb morphs to an inkling
to a growing vocabulary and understanding.

What about the beauty of winning?
The allure of it all is what you define as a win,
surrendering that power would be the simplest sin!
Just floating can be successfully swimming.
As long as your smile is brimming,
define your own rules and always stay winning.

Love gives us reason,
sex gives us passion,
and the stars remind us to stay in the moment we're in.
But reason can fail, passion can fade,
stars are the endless waters we wade.
Our future and past, rolled out in an expanse so vast,
all except for one.

Our personal star benevolent,
at times malevolent,
always prevalent.

We go where it tells,
perish when it swells,
sleep when it has fell.

The Sun is also a star,
don't let your mind wander far.
What we do to others is who we are,
that's all I've learned so far.
